Thursday, February 15, 2007

Instead of roses i got teargas

Feliz dia de San Valentin!
Just so you're not worrying off the bat mom, I didn't actually get teargassed, but was close... Allow me to explain. Yesterday I went with Fernando and his cousin, Juan Carlos, to the futbol (soccer) match between Liga and Barcelona, Ecuador's two most popular teams. Liga is the pride of Quito and was founded en La Universidad Central and is the hometown favorite, while Barcelona is native Guayaguil, a city on the souther coast. There's already a bit of animostiy between the two largest cities in Ecuador and its locals, the quitenos and guayaguilenos, and the soccer match is apparently the preffered stage to let loose all of their emotions. I was expecting an intense game, but I was not prepared for what ensued. Don't get me wrong, I was not harmed and had a blast, but the loyal fans of the two teams made the camp randall badger student section seem tame. The second the players took the field the stadium was filled with confetti, shouting, a constant beating of drums, chants, songs, bottle rocket explosions, fights, tons and tons of policeman, and the teargas of the policemen used to break up the fights. Whereas I've seen people get thrown out of Brewer games to climb up the fence to grab a foul ball, here kids no older than 7 were climbing over 20 feet up wired fences, hanging by one hand, and shaking the fens furiously to celebrate a goal or mock the opposing team's fans. Spectators were even seated by whom they cheered for, with the Barcelona fans occupying the upper deck. Though it's definately a good idea to have them separated, as it became apparent Liga was going to win a few devout Barcelona fans decided to relieve themselves over the balcony onto the unsuspecting heads of the Liga faithful. Fortunately I was under the overhang and able to avoid anything that fell or was thrown from above. When all was said and done, Liga won an exciting game 2-1 and I had a great time.
Now I'm getting ready for the 5 day weekend ahead of me, during which I'll travel to both Ambato and Banos to celebrate Carnaval and relax in some of Ecuador's natural spring baths. It should be another amazing weekend, I'll fill you all in when I return.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brett..u had me there! Before I read the 1st sentence I was freaking...haha.